Table of Contents


  • This project is created based on the AddressBook-Level3 project by the SE-EDU initiative.

Setting up, getting started

Refer to the guide Setting up and getting started.


:bulb: if the image is too small, try opening it in a new tab by right-clicking the image and select “Open image in new tab” for a better view.


Architecture Diagram of the Tinner

The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the Tinner. Tinner follows a multi-layered architecture where the lower layers are independent of higher layers. For example, Main can use methods found in Storage but not the other way around. Below is a quick overview of main components and how they interact with each other.

Main has two classes called Main and MainApp. It is responsible for,

  • At app launch: Initializes the components in the correct sequence, and connects them up with each other.
  • At shut down: Shuts down the components and invokes cleanup methods where necessary.

Commons represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components.

The rest of the App consists of four components.

  • UI: The UI of the App.
  • Logic: The command executor.
  • Model: Holds the data of the App in memory.
  • Storage: Reads data from, and writes data to, the hard disk.

Each of the four components,

  • defines its API in an interface with the same name as the Component.
  • exposes its functionality using a concrete {Component Name}Manager class (which implements the corresponding API interface mentioned in the previous point.

For example, the Logic component (see the class diagram given below) defines its API in the interface and exposes its functionality using the class which implements the Logic interface.

Class Diagram of the Logic Component

How the architecture components interact with each other

The Sequence Diagram below shows how the components interact with each other for the scenario where the user issues the command deleteCompany 1 when in project view.

Sequence Diagram of the deleteCompany

The sections below give more details of each component.

UI Component

Structure of the UI Component


The UI consists of a MainWindow that is made up of parts e.g.CommandBox, ResultDisplay, CompanyListPanel, StatusBarFooter etc. All these, including the MainWindow, inherit from the abstract UiPart class which captures the commonalities between classes that represent parts of the visible GUI.

The CommandBox and ResultDisplay appear at the top of the application for the user to interact with the application.

The CompanyListPanel appears at the center of the application displaying key information of Company from CompanyCard.

The RoleListPanel appears at the bottom of CompanyCard displaying key information of Role from RoleCard.

The ReminderWindow appears as a separate window displaying key information of Reminder from ReminderCard.

The UI component uses the JavaFx UI framework. The layout of these UI parts are defined in matching .fxml files that are in the src/main/resources/view folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml

The UI component,

  • executes user commands using the Logic component.
  • listens for changes to Model data so that the UI can be updated with the modified data.
  • keeps a reference to the Logic component, because the UI relies on the Logic to execute commands.
  • depends on some classes in the Model component, as it displays Company and Role objects residing in the Model.

Logic Component


Structure of the Logic Component

How the Logic component works:

  • When Logic is called upon to execute a command, it uses the CompanyListParser class to parse the user command.
  • This results in a Command object (or more precisely, an object of one of its subclasses e.g., AddCompanyCommand) which is executed by the LogicManager.
  • The command can communicate with the Model when it is executed (e.g. to add a company).
  • The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult object which is returned back from Logic.

The Sequence Diagram below illustrates the interactions within the Logic component for the execute("deleteCompany 1") API call.

Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the `deleteCompany 1` Command

:information_source: Note: The lifeline for DeleteCompanyCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

The other classes in Logic (omitted from the class diagram above) that are used for parsing a user command can be represented as follows:

How the parsing works:

  • When called upon to parse a user command, the CompanyListParser class creates an XYZCommandParser (XYZ is a placeholder for the specific command name e.g., AddCompanyCommandParser) which uses the other classes shown above (e.g. ArgumentMultimap, ParserUtil, etc.) to parse the user command and create a XYZCommand object (e.g., AddCompanyCommand) which the CompanyListParser returns back as a Command object.
  • All XYZCommandParser classes (e.g., AddCompanyCommandParser, DeleteCompanyCommandParser, …) inherit from the Parser interface so that they can be treated similarly where possible e.g, during testing.

Model Component

Structure of the Model Component

Breakdown of the Company, RoleManager and Reminder packages:

Structure of the Company and RoleManager Classes


The Model component,

  • stores the company list data i.e., all Company objects (which are contained in a UniqueCompanyList object).
  • stores the currently selected Company, Role and Reminder objects (e.g., results of a search query) as a separate filtered list which is exposed to outsiders as an unmodifiable ObservableList that can be ‘observed’ e.g. the UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change.
  • stores a UserPref object that represents the user’s preferences. This is exposed to the outside as a ReadOnlyUserPref objects.
  • the Reminder objects store data of a role in a company that has a reminder date which is within the reminder window.
  • does not depend on any of the other three components (as the Model represents data entities of the domain, they should make sense on their own without depending on other components)

Storage Component

Structure of the Storage Component


The Storage component,

  • can save UserPref objects in json format and read it back.
  • can save JsonAdaptedCompany objects in JsonSerializableCompanyList in json format and read it back.
  • can save JsonAdaptedRole objects in JsonAdaptedCompany in json format and read it back
  • inherits from both CompanyListStorage and UserPrefStorage,meaning that it can be treated as either one (if the functionality of only one is required)
  • depends on classes like Company and Role in the Model component (as it is the Storage component’s job to save/retrieve objects that belong to the Model)

The JsonAdaptedCompany also contains a list of roles in List<JsonAdaptedRole> format, as show in the class diagram above.


Due to some of our features having duality in its implementaion, we have decided to omit those features exclusive to company that have a role counterpart. This is due to the role counterpart being more complicated as it builds directly on top of the features exclusive to company.

Add role feature

The addRole command for the Role item allows the user to add a new role by specifying the company index this role is attached to, and the details of the role with the appropriate prefix.

The fields of the Role that are necessary are as follows:

  • RoleName
  • Status

The fields of the Role that are optional are as follows:

  • ReminderDate
  • Description
  • Stipend


UML diagram of the AddRole feature
The addRole command is primarily implemented by AddRoleCommandParser a class that extends Parser, and AddRoleCommand, which is a class that extends Command.

The AddRoleCommandParser has three main objective

  1. Ensure user inputs all necessary fields.
  2. Ensure validity of all fields from user input.
  3. If 1 and 2 are satisfied, store the user inputs into a new Role object.

If all three objectives are achieved, the newly created Role object would then be passed to AddRoleCommand Upon completion of executing addRole command, the displayed list of roles would be dynamically updated accordingly.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the add role feature behaves at each step:

  1. The user executes the command addRole 1 n/Data Analyst s/applying r/31-07-2022 23:59 to add a new role into the 1st company.
  2. Then the AddRoleCommandParser#parse() parses and creates a Role object with fields to be added such as the roleName Data Analyst before creating an instance of AddRoleCommand with it.
  3. The AddRoleCommandParser returns the AddRoleCommand to the LogicManager. LogicManager invokes AddRoleCommand#execute() which validates if role is present according to the company and role indexes, if so add the new role into the company’s RoleManager.
  4. The LogicManager then returns the CommandResult to MainWindow in order to display changes to the user.

The following sequence diagram shows how the addRole command operation works with the valid user input addRole 1 n/Data Analyst s/applying r/31-07-2022 23:59: Sequence diagram of the AddRole feature

The following activity diagram summarizes what happens when a user executes an addRole command:
Activity diagram of the AddRole feature

Design considerations

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Abstract Role’s storage to be handled by RoleManager
    • Pros:
      • Reduce coupling between Role and Company as the addRole feature is implemented via the Role’s model instead of the Company’s model.
      • Company does not need to worry about the implementation details of Role, which it shouldn’t in the first place.
    • Cons:
      • Increases code duplication as Company class has to retain methods which acts as signals for invoking execution of methods in Role.
  • Alternative 2 (used in v1.2): Role is stored in a Java List as an attribute of Company class
    • Pros:
      • All commands related to Role can be implemented and handled on Company level, reduces code repetition.
      • AddRole feature could be achieved via calling on an attribute of Company.
    • Cons:
      • Exposes the internal implementation of Role to Company even though they are different.
      • Increases coupling between Role and Company.

Edit role feature

The editRole command for the Role item allows the user to update any fields by specifying the company index, role index and prefixes of the fields to be updated.

The aforementioned fields of the Role that can be modified are as follows:

  • RoleName
  • Status
  • ReminderDate
  • Description
  • Stipend


UML diagram of the EditRole feature
The editRole command is primarily implemented by EditRoleCommandParser a class that extends Parser, and EditRoleCommand, which is a class that extends Command. The EditRoleCommand has an inner class EditRoleDescriptor that holds the changes to fields of the Role to be modified. Upon completion of executing editRole command, the displayed list of roles would be dynamically updated accordingly.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the edit role feature behaves at each step:

  1. The user executes the command editRole 1 1 d/react js to edit the description in the 1st role from the 1st company.
  2. Then the EditRoleCommandParser#parse() parses and creates an EditRoleDescriptor object with fields to be modified such as the description react js before creating an instance of EditRoleCommand with it.
  3. The EditRoleCommandParser returns the EditRoleCommand to LogicManager. LogicManager invokes EditRoleCommand#execute() which validates the company and role indexes, if so edit its description to the user input.
  4. The LogicManager then returns the CommandResult to MainWindow in order to display changes to the user.

The following sequence diagram shows how the editRole command operation works with the valid user input editRole 1 1 d/react js: Sequence diagram of the EditRole feature

The following activity diagram summarizes what happens when a user executes an editRole command:
Activity diagram of the EditRole feature

Design considerations

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Logic components interact with the Model interface solely and not directly with model’s internal components: Company, RoleManager, UniqueRoleList.
    • Pros:
      • The Model interface acts as a Façade to allow clients such as Logic to access to the functionalities of its internal components without exposing the implementation details. Thus, reducing coupling between Model and other components as all functionalities of modifying Role can be accessed via the Model interface.
      • This increases maintainability as EditRoleCommand will only interact with Model interface with little concern to any changes in the implementation details of the internal components of Model.
    • Cons:
      • This requires additional code within Model as more methods are needed for other components to access the functionality of its internal components.
  • Alternative 2 (used in v1.2): Model allows clients to access its internal components directly such as Company, RoleManager, UniqueRoleList to modify Role.
    • Pros:
      • No additional code is needed as clients can operate directly on the internals of Model.
    • Cons:
      • This exposes the internal implementation of Model and increases coupling between EditRoleCommand and, Company, RoleManager and UniqueRoleList.
      • It is harder to maintain as any changes to the internal implementation of Model will affect the implementation of EditRoleCommand.

Delete role feature

The deleteRole command for the Role item allows the user to delete any role under a Company item by specifying the company index and role index that which are associated with the Role item to be deleted.


UML diagram of the DeleteRole feature

The deleteRole command relies on the DeleteRoleCommandParser, a class that extends Parser, as well as DeleteRoleCommand, which is a class that extends Command. The DeleteRoleCommand, upon completion, dynamically updates the displayed list of roles accordingly.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the delete role feature behaves at each step:

  1. The user executes the command deleteRole 1 1 to delete the 1st role from the 1st company.
  2. Then the DeleteRoleCommandParser#parse() parses and creates an instance of DeleteRoleCommand with the company index and role index parsed.
  3. The DeleteRoleCommandParser returns the DeleteRoleCommand to LogicManager. LogicManager invokes DeleteRoleCommand#execute() which validates if role is present according to the company and role indexes, if so deletes the role.
  4. The LogicManager then returns the CommandResult to MainWindow in order to display the changes to the user.

The following sequence diagram shows how the deleteRole command operation works with the user input deleteRole 1 1:

Sequence diagram of the DeleteRole feature

The following activity diagram summarizes what happens when a user executes an deleteRole command:
Activity diagram of the DeleteRole feature

Design considerations

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Split delete feature into deleteCompany and deleteRole
    • Pros:
      • Prevents users from accidentally deleting an entire company when intended action was to only delete roles.
      • More intuitive to users as it is easier to associate the differences with words compared to format of command.
    • Cons:
      • Increases code repetition due to both delete features have similar components.
  • Alternative 2 (used in v1.2): Have a unified delete feature that changes functionality based off user input.
    • Pros:
      • Reduce code repetition due to not having two different class and two different parsers.
    • Cons:
      • User might accidentally delete an entire company if command was sent too early, resulting in the company and all associated roles being deleted.
      • Due to the lack of an undo feature, this is can be a massive problem.

Find feature

The find feature allows users to filter the company list to find roles by specifying company name keywords and role name keywords.


UML diagram of the Find feature

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the find feature behaves at each step:

  1. The user executes the command find c/meta r/software mobile to find roles whose role names contain role name keywords software or mobile, which belong to companies whose company names contains the company name keyword meta.
  2. Then the FindCommandParser#parse() creates a CompanyNameContainsKeywordsPredicate object and a RoleNameContainsKeywordsPredicate object with the role name keywords and company name keyword.
  3. The FindCommand#execute() method will update the model using the Model#updateFilteredCompanyList() method, displaying only roles that match the keywords, and the companies that they belong to.
  4. The Parser returns the FindCommand to LogicManager which then returns the CommandResult to MainWindow in order to display the changes to the user.

The following sequence diagram shows how the find command operation works with the user input find c/meta r/software mobile:

UML diagram of the Find feature

The following activity diagram summarises what happens when a user executes the find command:

UML diagram of the Find feature

Design considerations

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): The use of one unified find command with prefixes c/ and r/ to concurrently filter the company list by role name and company name.
    • Pros:
      • Users are able to quickly sieve through the company list to find the specific roles.
    • Cons:
      • Increased dependencies and coupling between components, as model now depends on both classes CompanyNameContainsKeywordsPredicate and RoleNameContainsKeywordsPredicate.
  • Alternative 2 (used in v1.2): find only allows users to filter the company list by company name keywords and not role name keywords.
    • Pros:
      • Reduced coupling between components as model depends on CompanyNameContainsKeywordsPredicate but not RoleNameContainsKeywordsPredicate.
    • Cons:
      • Users have less flexibility in searching for specific roles, especially when they have applied for multiple roles within the same company. They can only find all roles which belong to specific companies.

Reminder feature

Whenever the user starts up the application, a reminder pane will automatically open along with the main window, showing all roles and their respective companies that have reminder dates that are within the reminder window.

The fields of the Reminder that will be shown are as follows:

  • CompanyName
  • RoleName
  • ReminderDate
  • Status


Given below is an example scenario on how the reminder feature works:

  1. The user has a role in a company with a reminder date of 30-04-2022 23:59.
  2. Assuming that the reminder window is at its default of 7 days, and today is within 7 days from 30th April 2022, when the user opens the application, the reminder pane will display the given role and its relevant fields as mentioned above.

The following sequence diagram shows how the reminder feature works: Sequence diagram of the Reminder feature

The following activity diagram summarises what happens when the user opens the application to see upcoming reminders: Activity diagram of the Reminder feature

Set reminder window feature

The setWindow feature allows users to set the reminder window to a specific number of days. Any roles stored in the company list that fall within the set window will be displayed in the reminder pane that automatically opens up on start.


UML diagram of the SetWindow feature

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the set reminder window feature behaves at each step:

  1. The user executes the command setWindow 14 to set the reminder window to 14 days.
  2. Then the SetReminderWindowCommandParser#parse() creates an instance of SetReminderWindowCommand by passing the number of days to which the reminder window will be set.
  3. The SetReminderWindowCommand#execute() method will update the model using the Model#setReminderWindow() method, which consequently updates userPrefs by calling the UserPrefs#setReminderWindow() method to update the reminder window as stored in the user preferences.
  4. The Parser returns the SetReminderWindowCommand to LogicManager which then returns the CommandResult to MainWindow in order display the changes to the user.

The following sequence diagram shows how the setWindow command operation works with the user input setWindow 14:

UML sequence diagram of the SetWindow feature

The following activity diagram summarises what happens when a user executes the setWindow command:

UML activity diagram of the SetWindow feature

Favourite feature

The favourite feature allows users to highlight specific companies. Favourited companies are indicated using a star beside their company name in the GUI.


UML diagram of the Favourite feature

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the favourite feature behaves at each step:

  1. The user executes the command favourite 1 to favourite the first company within the displayed company list.
  2. Then the FavouriteCompanyCommandParser#parse() creates an instance of FavouriteCompanyCommand by passing the company index to be favourited.
  3. The FavouriteCompanyCommand#execute() method will update the model with the favourited company using the Model#setCompany() method, replacing the previous company that was not favourited.
  4. The model is then updated with the Model#updateFilteredCompanyList() method, displaying all companies and roles in the company list.
  5. The Parser returns the FavouriteCompanyCommand to LogicManager which then returns the CommandResult to MainWindow in order to display the changes to the user.

The following sequence diagram shows how the favourite command operation works with the user input favourite 1:

UML diagram of the Favourite feature

The following activity diagram summarises what happens when a user executes the favourite command:

UML diagram of the Favourite feature

Design considerations

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Although both favourite and editCompany commands edit fields within a specified company, we decided to make them two separate commands.
    • Pros:
      • Users are able to favourite roles much more easily by just providing the index.
      • More intuitive to users to use favourite rather than editCompany to favourite a company.
    • Cons:
      • This feature was more challenging to implement as compared to simply integrating the functionality of favourite into editCompany.
  • Alternative 2: Allowing the favourite status field of a company to be modified through editCompany.
    • Pros:
      • Users can modify all fields within a company, including the favourite status, with the use of one single command.
    • Cons:
      • It is less straightforward for users to use editCompany to favourite a company. This also means that the favourite status field will not stand out to users.

Documentation, logging, testing, configuration, dev-ops

Appendix: Requirements

Product scope

Target user profile:

Students who…

  • want to keep track of tech internships
  • are disorganised and tend to miss deadlines
  • prefer desktop apps over other types
  • can type fast
  • prefer typing to mouse interactions
  • are reasonably comfortable using CLI apps

Value proposition:

  1. Tracks essential information such as statuses and deadlines at a glance.
  2. Reminds you of important deadlines so that you will not miss anything about your application.
  3. Allows you to Review the process and take down notes so that you can ace your next application.

User stories

Priorities: High (must have) - * * *, Medium (nice to have) - * *, Low (unlikely to have) - *

Priority As a …​ I want to …​ So that I can…​
* * * user add a new company add new internship roles to said company
* * * user add a new internship role keep track of said internship application process
* * * user delete a company remove companies that I am no longer interested in
* * * user delete an internship role remove internship roles that are outdated or complete
* * * user see a summary of my internship applications at a glance have a general overview of the status of my applications
* * user search keywords like company name, internship roles, etc. locate my internship application quickly
* * user sort applications in chronological order of deadlines keep track of the timeline of applications
* * user modify each item keep Tinner and all its contents up to date
* * user be reminded of upcoming deadlines be on time with my applications
* * organised user tag applications and events keep items compartmentalised and thus easier to access
* * new user learn how to use the application via a guide use the application periodically with ease
* * user mark certain entries as my favourites view those that I am more interested in at a glance
* user sort company names in alphabetical order locate a company that I may have forgotten about
* user export calendar dates of important events into a .ics or .pdf file keep track of my events on an external platform
* long term user archive/hide irrelevant events not get distracted by what is not important
* user export a list of interview reviews of different companies into a .csv file share my experience with juniors and peers

Use cases

(For all use cases below, the System is the Tinner and the Actor is the user, unless specified otherwise)

Use case: UC01 - Add a company

Guarantees: a company will be successfully created


  1. User requests to add a specific company and its information in the list
  2. Tinner adds a company to the list
  3. Tinner displays the list of companies

    Use case ends


 1a. The input does not adhere to the command format
  1a1. Tinner shows an invalid input format error message
     Use case resumes at step 1

 1b. The specific company is already stored
  1b1. Tinner shows a duplicate company error message
    Use case resumes at step 1

Use case: UC02 - Edit a company

Precondition: there exists at least one company in Tinner


  1. User request to edit certain details of a specific company
  2. Tinner edits certain details specified by the user
  3. Tinner displays the list of companies with updated details

    Use case ends

 1a. The input does not adhere to the command format
  1a1. Tinner shows an invalid input format error message
    Use case resumes at step 1

 1b. Company already exists in Tinner format
  1b1. Tinner shows error that company is duplicated
    Use case resumes at step 1

 1c. Field restrictions violated
  1c1. Tinner shows error that a specific restriction is violated
    Use case resumes at step 1

Use case: UC03 - Delete a company

Precondition: there exists at least one company in Tinner

Guarantees: a company is successfully removed from Tinner


  1. User requests to view a list of companies
  2. Tinner shows a list of companies and the associated internship roles
  3. User requests to delete a specific company in the list
  4. Tinner deletes the company

    Use case ends


 3a. The input does not adhere to the command format
  3a1. Tinner shows an invalid input format error message
    Use case resumes at step 2

 3b. The input company index is invalid
  3b1. Tinner shows a company index out of bounds error message
    Use case resumes at step 2

Use case: UC04- Add an internship role

Precondition: the company to which the internship role will belong has already been created

Guarantees: an internship role will be successfully created


  1. User requests to view a list of companies
  2. User requests to add an internship role and provides the relevant details
  3. Tinner adds the internship role to the list of roles of the specific company

    Use case ends


 1a. The input does not adhere to the command format
  1a1. Tinner shows an invalid input format error message
    Use case resumes at step 1

Use case: UC05 - Edits an internship role

Precondition: there exists at least one role associated with a company in Tinner


  1. User requests to edit a specific internship role of a company
  2. Tinner edits certain details specified by the user
  3. Tinner displays the list of companies with roles and its updated details

    Use case ends

  1a. The input does not adhere to the command format
    1a1. Tinner shows an invalid input format error message
        Use case resumes at step 1

  1b. The input company index is invalid
    1b1. Tinner shows error that the company index is invalid message
        Use case resumes at step 1

  1c. The input internship role index is invalid
    1c1. Tinner shows error that the role index is invalid message
        Use case resumes at step 1

  1d. Role already exists in Tinner format
   1d1. Tinner shows error that role is duplicated
     Use case resumes at step 1

  1e. Field restrictions violated
   1e1. Tinner shows error that a specific restriction is violated
     Use case resumes at step 1

Use case: UC06 - Delete an internship role

Precondition: there exists at least one internship role associated with a company

Guarantees: a specified internship role is successfully removed from the associated company


  1. User requests to view a list of companies
  2. Tinner shows a list of companies and the associated internship roles
  3. User requests to delete a specific internship role of a company in the list
  4. Tinner deletes the internship role

    Use case ends


 3a. The input does not adhere to the command format
  3a1. Tinner shows an invalid input format error message
     Use case resumes at step 2

 3b. The input company index is invalid
  3b1. Tinner shows a company index out of bounds error message
    Use case resumes at step 2

 3c. The input internship role index is invalid
  3c1. Tinner shows an internship role index out of bounds error message
    Use case resumes at step 2

Use case: UC07 - Find a company with an internship role

Precondition: there exists at least one internship role associated with a company

Guarantees: all internship role which matches the user input will be successfully displayed from all companies matches the user input


  1. User requests to find some internship roles in some company and provides keywords for both.
  2. Tinner displays all companies that matches the company keyword and have at least one role which matches the role keyword.

    Use case ends


 1a. The input does not adhere to the command format
  1a1. Tinner shows an invalid input format error message
     Use case resumes at step 1

 1b. The input company keyword is invalid
  1b1. Tinner shows invalid company name error message
    Use case resumes at step 1

 1c. The input role keyword is invalid
  1c1. Tinner shows invalid role name error message
    Use case resumes at step 1

 1d. The input role keyword is absent
  1d1. Tinner shows all companies that matches the company keyword and all their roles
    Use case ends

 1e. The input company keyword is absent
  1e1. Tinner shows all companies with at least one role that matches the role keyword and display all
    Use case ends

Use case: UC08 - List all companies

Precondition: there exist at least one company stored in Tinner

Guarantees: every company stored in Tinner will be shown


  1. User requests to view a list of companies
  2. Tinner displays all companies in its storage

    Use case ends

Use case: UC09 - Using the reminder feature

Precondition: there exist at least one company stored in Tinner

Guarantees: every role in companies that have reminder dates within the reminder window from today will be shown


  1. The user adds a role(UC02) or edits a role(UC05) that has a reminder date.
  2. Tinner shows success message and adds/edits the role.
  3. The user closes the application and opens it up again immediately or some time in the future
  4. Tinner displays all roles in companies that have reminder dates within the reminder window from today’s date

    Use case ends

Use case: UC10 - Using the set reminder window feature

Guarantees: the reminder window will be successfully updated


  1. User requests to update reminder window to a new reminder window
  2. Tinner updates the reminder window
  3. The updated reminder window is reflected upon restarting the application

    Use case ends


 1a. The input reminder window is invalid (i.e. negative or bigger than 30)
  1a1. Tinner shows an invalid input reminder window error message
    Use case resumes at step 1

Use case: UC11 - Favouriting a company and viewing all favourited companies

Precondition: there exist at least one company in Tinner

Guarantees: a company is successfully favourited within Tinner


  1. User requests to view a list of companies
  2. Tinner shows a list of companies and the associated internship roles
  3. User requests to favourite a specific company in the list
  4. Tinner favourites the company
  5. User requests to view all favourited companies
  6. Tinner shows a list of all favourited companies and their associated internship roles

    Use case ends


 3a. The input does not adhere to the command format
  3a1. Tinner shows an invalid input format error message
    Use case resumes at step 2

 3b. The input company index is invalid
  3b1. Tinner shows a company index out of bounds error message
    Use case resumes at step 2

 3c. The specific company to be favourited had already been favourited
  3c1. Tinner shows a company already favourited error message
    Use case resumes at step 2

Use case: UC12 - Unfavouriting a company

Precondition: there exist at least one company in Tinner

Guarantees: a company is successfully unfavourited within Tinner


  1. User requests to view a list of companies
  2. Tinner shows a list of companies and the associated internship roles
  3. User requests to unfavourite a specific company in the list
  4. Tinner unfavourites the company

    Use case ends


 3a. The input does not adhere to the command format
  3a1. Tinner shows an invalid input format error message
    Use case resumes at step 2

 3b. The input company index is invalid
  3b1. Tinner shows a company index out of bounds error message
    Use case resumes at step 2

 3c. The specific company to be unfavourited is already unfavourited
  3c1. Tinner shows a company already unfavourited error message
    Use case resumes at step 2

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed
  2. Should be able to hold up to 1000 items (companies and internship roles) without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage
  3. Should require no installation
  4. A user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse
  5. Should be responsive and have a latency of less than 3 seconds


  • Mainstream OS: Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS
  • CLI: Command Line Interface
  • MSS: Main Success Scenario
  • Command Box: Text field for users to key in their commands
  • Response Box: Tinner’s response to user’s commands.
    If the command was successful, Tinner would respond with what it did. Else it tells you what went wrong and any tips to fix it

Appendix: Instructions for manual testing

Start and exit the application

  1. To start the application
    1. Download the tinner.jar file and copy into an empty folder.
    2. On the command terminal, run the following command in the directory containing tinner.jar: java -jar tinner.jar
      Expected: Shows the GUI with internship application examples.
  2. To exit the application
    1. Enter exit in the command box.
      Expected: The application will close shortly.

Adding a company

  1. Test case: addCompany n/Govtech p/9222222 e/ a/10 Pasir Panjang Rd, #10-01 Mapletree Business City, Singapore 117438
    1. Expected: Company list is updated with the addition of “GovTech”. The response box shows the details of all the fields added.
  2. Test case: addCompany n/Tik Tok e/
    1. Expected: Company list is updated with the addition of “Tik Tok”. The response box shows the details of the fields added.
  3. Test case: addCompany e/ p/99944426 n/Tesla
    1. Expected: Company list is updated with the addition of “Tesla”. The response box shows the details of the fields added.
  4. Test case: addCompany n/Tinner p/ e/ a/fairy land
    1. Expected: Company list is not updated. The response box shows error message that there must be a value after a prefix.
  5. Other incorrect test cases to try: addCompany, and other prefixes without value e.g. add n/.
    1. Expected: Company list is not updated. The response box shows an error message that it is an invalid command with additional information of the correct command format.

Editing a company

  1. Prerequisites: At least 2 companies must exist and listed using the list command
  2. Test case: editCompany 1 1 n/Tik Tok
    1. Expected: The name of 1st company is changed to “TikTok”. The response box shows the updated details of all the fields of the edited company. The company list is updated with the changes.
  3. Test case: editCompany 2 n/Tik Tok
    1. Expected: The name 2nd company is not updated. The response box shows error message that the company already exists in the company list.
  4. Other incorrect test cases to try: editCompany, editCompany x n/VAlID_COMPANY_NAME where x is an integer larger than the size of the company list or negative integer values.
    1. Expected: The intended company with index x is not updated. The response box shows error message that it is an invalid command or company index provided is invalid.

Deleting a company

  1. Prerequisites: At least 2 companies must exist and listed using the list command
  2. Test case: deleteCompany 1
    1. Expected: First company with its roles included if any, is removed from the company list. The response box shows the details of the deleted company.
  3. Other incorrect test cases to try: deleteCompany, deleteCompany x where x is an integer larger than the size of the company list or negative integer values.
    1. Expected: Company with index x is not deleted. The response box shows error message that it is an invalid command or company index provided is invalid.

Favouriting a company

  1. Prerequisites: At least 2 companies must exist with the first company in the company list already favourited (indicated with a star beside its name in the GUI), and listed using the list command
  2. Test case: favourite 2
    1. Expected: Second company in the displayed company list is favourited. The response box shows the details of the favourited company.
  3. Test case: favourite 1
    1. Expected: First company in the displayed company list is not favourited again as it is already favourited. The response box shows a message indicating that the company is already favourited.
  4. Other incorrect test cases to try: favourite, favourite x where x is an integer larger than the size of the company list or negative integer values.
    1. Expected: Company with index x is not favourited. The response box shows error message that it is an invalid command or company index provided is invalid.

Unfavouriting a company

  1. Prerequisites: At least 2 companies must exist with the first company in the company list already favourited (indicated with a star beside its name in the GUI), and listed using the list command
  2. Test case: unfavourite 1
    1. Expected: First company in the displayed company list is unfavourited. The response box shows the details of the unfavourited company.
  3. Test case: unfavourite 2
    1. Expected: Second company in the displayed company list is not unfavourited as it is already unfavourited. The response box shows a message indicating that the company is already unfavourited.
  4. Other incorrect test cases to try: unfavourite, unfavourite x where x is an integer larger than the size of the company list or negative integer values.
    1. Expected: Company with index x is not favourited. The response box shows error message that it is an invalid command or company index provided is invalid.

Adding a role

  1. Prerequisites: At least 1 companies must exist and listed using the list command
  2. Test case: addRole 1 n/Frontend Engineer s/pending
    1. Expected: The name of the lastest role from the 1st company is initialised as “Frontend Engineer”, with status of “pending”. The response box shows the details of all the fields of the newly added role. The company list is updated with the changes.
  3. Test case: addRole 1 n/Frontend Engineer s/complete
    1. Expected: No new role is added to the 1st company. The response box shows error message that the role already exists in the company.
  4. Test case: addRole 1 s/complete $/1000
    1. Expected: No new role is added to the 1st company. The response box shows error message that the format is wrong, this is due to required field (RoleName)) not being given.
  5. Test case: addRole 1 n/Frontend Engineer s/complete $/
    1. Expected: No new role is added to the 1st company. The response box shows error message that there must be a value after a prefix, regardless of if it is optional.
  6. Other incorrect test cases to try:addRole x1 n/VALID_ROLE_NAME s/VALID_STATUS where x1 is an integer larger than the size of the company list or negative integer values.
    1. Expected: No new role is added to the 1st company. The response box shows error message that it is an invalid command or company/role index provided is invalid.
  7. Other incorrect test cases to try:addRole x1 n/LONG_ROLE_NAME s/VALID_STATUS $/LONG_STIPEND where x1 is an integer larger than the size of the company list or negative integer values, and LONG_ROLE_NAME exceeds 30 characters, and LONG_STIPEND exceeds 14 characters.
    1. Expected: No new role is added to the 1st company. The response box shows error message that the role name character limit is 30 characters/the stipend character limit is 14 characters.

Editing a role

  1. Prerequisites: At least 1 company with 2 roles must exist and is listed using the list command
  2. Test case: editRole 1 1 n/Frontend Engineer
    1. Expected: The name of 1st role from the 1st company is changed to “Frontend Engineer”. The response box shows the updated details of all the fields of the edited role. The company list is updated with the changes.
  3. Test case: editRole 1 2 n/Frontend Engineer
    1. Expected: The name of 2nd role from the 1st company is not updated. The response box shows error message that the role already exists in the company.
  4. Test case: editRole 1 1 $/0
    1. Expected: The stipend of 1st role from the 1st company is not updated. The response box shows error message that stipend must be a positive number.
  5. Test case: editRole 1 1 $/10000000000 or editRole 1 1 $/0
    1. Expected: The stipend of 1st role from the 1st company is not updated. The response box shows error message that stipend must be a positive value and input of stipend should be at most 10 digits long.
  6. Other incorrect test cases to try: editRole, editRole x1 x2 n/VAlID_ROLE_NAME where x1 or x2 are integers larger than the size of the company list and role list respectively or negative integer values.
    1. Expected: The intended company with index x1 and role with index x2 is not updated. The response box shows error message that it is an invalid command or company/role index provided is invalid.

Deleting a role

  1. Prerequisites: At least 1 companies with 2 roles must exist and listed using the list command
  2. Test case: deleteRole 1 1
    1. Expected: The name of 1st role from the 1st company is deleted. The response box shows the details of all the fields of the deleted role. The company list is updated with the changes.
  3. Other incorrect test cases to try: deleteRole, deleteRole x1 x2 where x1 or x2 are integers larger than the size of the company list and role list respectively or negative integer values.
    1. Expected: The intended role at company with index x1 and role with index x2 is not deleted. The response box shows error message that it is an invalid command or company/role index provided is invalid.

Finding a role

  1. Prerequisites: There must be 2 companies which are listed using the list command. The first company must have the name meta containing a role with the name software engineer followed by another role with the name data engineer. The second company must have the name google containing a role with the name mobile engineer followed by another role with the name data engineer.
  2. Test case: find c/meta
    1. Expected: Only the first company is displayed with both its roles.
  3. Test case: find r/engineer
    1. Expected: Both companies are displayed with all their roles.
  4. Test case: find c/google r/data
    1. Expected: Only the second company is displayed with only its data engineer role shown.
  5. Test case: find r/data
    1. Expected: Both companies are displayed with only their respective data engineer roles shown.
  6. Test case: find c/meta r/engineer
    1. Expected: Only the first company is displayed with both its roles.
  7. Test case: find c/meta r/mobile
    1. Expected: No companies are displayed.
  8. Test case: find r/mobile data software
    1. Expected: Both companies are displayed with all their roles.
  9. Test case: find c/, find r/, find c/ r/
    1. Expected: The response box shows an error message that it is an invalid command as there must be a value after prefix.
  10. Other incorrect test cases to try: find, find test, find a/ b/
    1. Expected: The response box shows an error message that it is an invalid command with additional information of the correct command format.

Using the reminder feature

  1. Prerequisites: At least 1 company with one role must exist and is listed on index 1 using the list command, test cases assume default reminder window of 7 days is used
  2. Test case: editRole 1 n/Software Engineer r/<INSERT DATE THAT IS WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM TODAY> (e.g. if today is 06-04-2022, test case should use any date between 06-04-2022 to 13-04-2022)
    1. Expected: When you close and reopen the application, the reminder pane will show the added role.
  3. Test case: editRole 1 n/Software Engineer r/<INSERT DATE THAT IS IN THE PAST> (e.g. if today is 06-04-2022 , use any date before then like 05-04-2022)
    1. Expected: The response box shows an error message that the reminder date should not be in the past.
  4. Test case: editRole 1 n/Software Engineer r/<INSERT INVALID DATE> (e.g. 31-04-2022)
    1. Expected: THe response box shows an error message that the reminder date should be a valid date.

Appendix: Effort

Tinner is a challenging venture as we are modifying the AB3 address book application to an internship application. The introduction of Role requires much consideration into the interaction, management and storage of information within and across components to ensure ample usage of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Design Patterns. Moreover, there were many modifications to AB3’s commands, such as find to optimise searches on internship applications within Tinner. As a result, there were major changes in components such as Model and Logic while seeking out the best design practices. Additionally, the Reminder feature requires a separate window thus, designing a new interface is required to display essential information.

Some of the difficulties and challenges faced when implementing the features are as followed:

  • addRole, editRole, deleteRole: Even though the implementation of Role commands are adapted from the commands in AB3, it was challenging due to the close coupling between Company and Role. While having separate logic and commands for both entities, there is also a need to ensure data consistency for cases such as Role cannot exist without Company. Thus, features such as deleteCompany have a cascade effect where the removing of a company will remove all Role associated with it.
  • find: The implementation of the find was different from that of AB3’s as we needed to account for two separate search predicates: company and role. Thus, it was rather complicated due to the fact that we had to run the company list through multiple filters based on different search scenarios such as when just the role is specified, just the company is specified, or both.
  • reminder: The implementation of the reminder system was rather tricky because it was our first time using the singleton pattern across the application. The UniqueReminderList behaves as a class that contains a single instance of a reminder list that can be retrieved with getInstance(); this took a while to get used to as it meant that the reminder list could be readily retrieved from almost anywhere within the application. The second hurdle was the implementation of the actual reminder window, since it involved the creation of new UI components and entailed several changes to the UniqueReminderList in terms of how Reminder items were retrieved. Wireframing software like Figma especially came in handy when drafting out the UI components before the writing them in JavaFX.
  • setWindow: The implementation of the setWindow command is quite unique as it is the only command that edits the UserPrefs. Challenges faced with this implementation included the testing of the command as the update of the reminder window only occurs after the application is restarted, making it only possible to test manually.

Overall, we estimate our effort to be 20% more than the implementation of AB3. This is due to the implementation of Role as a key entity with many closely coupled relationships with other components. Also, managing both Role and Company entities separately, and we implemented close to double the key features implemented in AB3.